Strength & Fitness

What is Strength & Fitness at Project Movement?

Strength & Fitness is for those who are not limited by pain or injury, but who want to get stronger and improve their fitness level. Sessions are 1-on-1 with a physical therapist who designs the exercise program to fit each client and help them reach their goals.

Benefits of Strength & Fitness

Following a strength & fitness program has many benefits including:

  • Improve cardiovascular health
  • Improve bone density 
  • Increase muscle mass & strength
  • Prevent sports injuries
  • Reduce fall risk 
  • Reduce risk of cognitive decline with aging
  • Reduce mobility decline with aging

Strength & Fitness is an Excellent Option For:

  • Continuing exercise after completing physical therapy
  • Preventing strength and mobility decline with aging
  • Cross training for endurance athletes 
  • Conditioning and injury prevention for athletes